C. Carey Cloud
C. Carey Cloud » Toys » Alex Alligator

Alex Alligator

Alex Alligator in wooden cigar box
       Carey Cloud loved to smoke his cigars, and hidden away in one of his old cigar boxes is Alex Alligator. The alligator's mouth opens and closes when his tail is rubbed.

Alex Alligator
Profile view of Alex Alligator.

Alex Alligator's belly
Belly of Alex Alligator
Designed and Patented, Cloudcrest Creations, Nashville Indiana.

Alex Alligator instruction card
Alex Alligator
"Pull His Tail"
How To Operate
Hold as shown above, then you can make 'Alex' raise and lower his head... Open and close his jaws. Snap his teeth...Wiggle his head. All, simply by rubbing his double tail, or by pulling and pushing his tail.

C. Carey Cloud